Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Larry Tuesday, May 5, 2015
I'm 56 and have failed my entire life. I have never excelled or accomplished anything. I'm so lonely and lost the love of my life because I was too scared to go out with her and she met someone else and is marrying. I have tried to love people and do good in life but GOD never helps me with my prayers. Dear GOD please let me die and not face the pain anymore.

DIANNA Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Please pray for my family. My husband of 20 years filed for divorce. I'm in shock. Our marriage seemed fine, yes, we both made mistakes, I financial and he too plus he other things, but I have forgiven him. We have not even talked about anything. I know if we did that our marriage would be better and stronger. I do not believe this was all his decision. We should work on our marriage, We have a daughter too who this affects. My hearts aches, for I love him. Please pray that my husband finds love in HIS heart for me again. There's power in prayer. I love him. I know he loves me.

kevin Tuesday, May 5, 2015
My wife, Rose, had an accident, as a pedestrian, with a bus. We want prayer for healing of her knee. We are believing that she won't have to have any operations and that she will not have to miss any work because of this.

Mandy Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Dear God I come before you to give you thanks and praise. I worship all that is given to me and then I lost it. My family who has abandoned me my daughter who has taken my granddaughter away and sent her away. We haven't seen her for four months. It pains me to fight justice against my own daughter which you know that it had to be done. I feared for my granddaughters life. My God all I ever wanted was to help this child to become better and to teach good things. I never wanted what has happened to us all. So much hate jealously and sadness. I ask of you to please help us to love you and one another. Let my daughter know I was helping her not destroying her. She should know that if I was I would lose everything like I did now. After all these months you taught me to better myself you gave me strength and courage to move forward but not forgetting. You showed there's a better way to handle such hardship that lays in front of us each day. I come to you with love and understanding that we make it through each day. Bless those who are in need of your worship love peace sickness hunger and who are in great devastation that they come to you for your help. God thank you for being in my life I'm grateful your alway there. Amen

Ruth Tuesday, May 5, 2015
please pray for Skye that she knows that we love her and want her...her mother has blocked us from calling. Please pray that all goes well for the petition for guardianship....pray for the attorneys and all involved that all goes well....Skye's father died last month and she is only 7 years old and her mother just got out of rehab. [she has been in and out of jail and rehab every year for the last 5 years I have known about] Skye needs some stability in her life..she and her Daddy lived with me for four years and was doing really well...now her mother is using her [always did] for manipulating everyone....please pray...thank you

Ron Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Please offer your prayers for my daughter Megan who's taking a final nursing exam later today. It's at a point now that not making a passing grade in this test will change her career as she may be removed from the nursing college. She's a single mom with three little children, has a great GPA during 3 years in Nursing; but seems unable to surmount this one course. There are no repeats.

Theresa Tuesday, May 5, 2015
I pray for guidance today for my heart is heavy and I want to turn it all over to you Lord. Please pray for my niece today for she is having neurological problems and needs the doctors and professionals to have steady hands as you watch over her. In Jesus name I pray Lord.

Jenny Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Please pray that my husbands sinus surgery and recovery goes well

Edith Tuesday, May 5, 2015
I pray to you Oh Lord that you forgive me my sins and hear my prayers I adore you and glorify you. That the union successfully fight for me to get my job back I implore your quick intervention Amen I pray that you clean my heart of all pain and allow me to forgive Amy Brady for her hate for me and firing me I pray that her evil intentions be cast out in the name of your beloved son Jesus Christ You said vengeance belongs to The Lord I pray that you listen to the prayers of all who are faithfully calling upon you. That you don't allow the devil to defeat us and laugh at us I pray for the sick the dying the poor the homeless the blind the speechless the deaf the armless and the leg less the fatherless and motherless the widow and the widower the Pope the bishops the priests the nuns the monks the Brothers where there is war and disaster I pray for the prayer warriors ,the sad, all your Holy churches and all who believe in you I pray for all the dead I pray for your tender mercies and love my son mother brothers sisters friends aunts cousins uncles grand parents and for all who have asked for my prayers. This I ask in the name of your Son Jesus Christ Thank you and Glory be thine name I give you thanks and praises Amen

cherry Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Lord Jesus, Mama Mary. . Please help our friend Tita J, she had an operation on her spine and she is in very critical condition. Thank you.

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