Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Liquidez Ni bancos ni Cirbe ni avales

Liquidez. Ni bancos, ni Cirbe, ni avales.



Líneas de liquidez fuera del circuito bancario para cuando necesitas fondos rápido pero no quieres pelear con los bancos, apuntes en Cirbe o aportar avales.

Empresas de descuento de pagarés y otros.

Operativa sencilla que no necesita que tu empresa aporte avales adicionales.

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Empresas de factoring.

Anticipa facturas de toda la UE, excepto Italia.

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Empresas de anticipo de certificaciones.

Imprescindible si trabajas con la Administración Pública.

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Empresas de anticipo de contratos.

Obtén liquidez mediante la cesión de los derechos de cobro de un determinado contrato.

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Empresas de Confirming.

La entidad gestiona las facturas de tus proveedores, adelantando el pago de las mismas.

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Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.

Podemos conseguir lo que necesitas.

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Resolving Kid Conflicts

Relationships can be messy, but with a little bit of skill as a referee, and a lot of kindness and respect, your kids will get along.
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Hello, Wisdom,

If your kids are like most kids, you can count on them to fight with each other and to look out for themselves when explaining what happened. With conflicting versions of events, what's a parent to do?

Dr. Ray Guarendi can help parents sort out the situation and help them take appropriate action. It's not about being "fair" but setting good expectations and ground rules for your kids. Relationships can be messy, but with a little bit of skill as a referee, and a lot of kindness and respect, your kids will learn to get along and resolve conflict.

Check out the video below and get more down-to-earth suggestions from Dr. Ray.


Advice Worth Ignoring: How Tuning Out the Experts Can Make You a Better Parent

Dr. Ray has seen it all and heard it all. The father of ten adopted children and a clinical psychologist, he has had to face every type of situation and has heard every expert opinion on parenting. The problem is that, all too often, the advice doesn't work. In fact, it rarely leads to positive results. What's a parent to do?

Dr. Ray helps parents sort through 50 popular trends in child-rearing and offers sound alternatives. These solid, empowering practices will make any parent more confident.

Take advantage of our special 30% discount on this book by using the discount code ADVICE on the checkout screen. Buy two and you will get free shipping!




    "If you only read oneparenting book this year, make it this one."
Jennifer Fulwiler, radio host, bestselling author, and mother of six 


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Peace and all good.


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Saint of the Day (Wednesday, August 31, 2016)-Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus

Sts. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

| Feast Day: Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The actions of these two influential Jewish leaders give insight into the charismatic power of Jesus and his teachings—and the risks that could be involved in following him.

Joseph was a respected, wealthy civic leader who had become a disciple of Jesus. Following the death of Jesus, Joseph obtained Jesus' body from Pilate, wrapped it in fine linen and buried it. For these reasons Joseph is considered the patron saint of funeral directors and pallbearers. More important is the courage Joseph showed in asking Pilate for Jesus' body. Jesus was a condemned criminal who had been publicly executed. According to some legends, Joseph was punished and imprisoned for such a bold act.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee and, like Joseph, an important first-century Jew. We know from John's Gospel that Nicodemus went to Jesus at night—secretly—to better understand his teachings about the kingdom. Later, Nicodemus spoke up for Jesus at the time of his arrest and assisted in Jesus' burial. We know little else about Nicodemus.

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Minute Meditations-Inbox Edition(Wednesday, August 31, 2016)

More Than Milestones

The Church is Our Mother


Together with baptism, the other sacraments of initiation are Eucharist and confirmation. This trifecta makes us full members of the Church, like older children who can thoughtfully participate in all the elements of family life. But more than just milestones of belonging, these sacraments change our souls.

-from The Church is Our Mother



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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

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Free books are all gone! Here's a consolation prize.

If you missed out on our Eager to Love giveaway, you can still get your hands on Richard Rohr's books at a great discount.

Even if you missed our Eager to Love giveaway, you can still save!

Hi Wisdom,

Wow! It's been less than an hour, and our 200 free copies of Eager to Love are all gone! We are amazed and humbled by your interest.

If you were quick enough to get your order in, your book will be on its way tomorrow. We hope it inspires you to an even deeper appreciation of St. Francis of Assisi.

If you didn't make it, you still have a chance to save on Richard Rohr books! Through the end of the month, you can receive 30% off all books in our Richard Rohr collection. This includes Eager to Love in hardback and the new paperback!

To claim your discount, simply enter the code ROHR30 at checkout. If your post-discount total is $20 or more, you'll also receive free shipping! This code expires tomorrow, August 31, at midnight Eastern time.

Thannks again for your overwhelming interest! 

Your friends at Franciscan Media


"A gift to all Franciscan-hearted people everywhere!"
-Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M., in praise of Eager to Love