Thursday, May 28, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Robin Thursday, May 28, 2015
Please help the Ricebirds win this series and play good baseball.

Jorge Thursday, May 28, 2015
Please help Jorge get a job where he will be happy and make good money and be able to progress and move up! Please let it come soon before something happens at his current job!

Sobin Thursday, May 28, 2015
Please pray for my kids, Samuel(5 years) and Gabriel (5 months).They are going for ultra sound scanning this saturday.Please pray that all internal organs are perfect in Jesus name, especially kidneys and the urinary system.

clarence Thursday, May 28, 2015
for over 2 years we have waited for dispensation so we can get married in the meantime I was in a car accident and my thyroid is almost not working please pray we can marry in the church, get the means for our hospitality house and serve God for the rest of our lives doing hospitality pray I can retire this year and get money we will need for our home amen

Philip Thursday, May 28, 2015
Heavenly Father / LORD JESUS, Thank you for your blessing & grace we received for our family. I beg you to resurrect Melissa left eye to 20/20 vision and make the eye disease and inflammation of the optic nerve go away permanently. Jesus said, "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (John 14:13, 14). I come to you Heavenly Father today and I have confidence in Your Word, and I take hold of Your promises to completely heal my daughter Melissa Ang. Please forgive all her sins and remove all obstacles that is preventing her from healing. FATHER GOD / JESUS, you are the miracle healer & physician. I believe whatever treatment medication, injection & laser on the eye you have directed the doctor is to resurrect Melissa's left eye 20/20 vision permanently and making the eye disease go away. We put our trust and faith with JESUS that Dr Sharel C Ongchin and Russell Van Gelder are doctors that GOD has directed them to diagnose and treat her. We praise GOD and have faith that Melissa's left eye will be completely healed. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

Thursday, May 28, 2015
For powerful Angelic Assistance to stop the crimes abusers in my life too many years of injustice...just want peace and love of Jesus Christ....if possible please help my sisters too to understand...don't want to hurt anyone...but this bs must stop....She wants to be a criminal and says she loves...that is why she hurts me with their's ok for them to do what no person should do to any good soul. I forgive her...but we need to her $ envelope just trying to save hers and others from the obvious as a loving sister before it's too late....enough is enough...loving through the pain despite what has been done. How can I help her if she doesnt help me or even care...story is too complicated b praying for Jesus to stomp out this evil on earth soon and forever. Thank you...tortured by people who claim to be of God yet criminally stalk and sadly torture and percecution and hurt as an act of love. Wish she could just find God in her heart to call or understand that I must do what I must sister watch people suffer...then add more stalking to my life....they call this love and concern for another...Thank you Jesus for always being there for both her and I said no my sister and I...Bring us peace cuz she truly has no idea of it all. I believe in her good despite it all. May she see, know, and understand my pain and what she has done to some good people who have loved her and them as family despite the hatred and rape and evil racist oppressive games that only Satan lovers would do. I ask her to join me in prayer and reconciliation immediately before God's powerful hand changes alot of lives in an unbelievable way against these crimes. I love her and her family as much as mine...and have paid dearly for my good heart being abused for so long...Open her hardened diseased cancer filled heart and save's too late for Satan so help her to steer clear of his evil for her and her children's lives and souls I pray for. Bring us a beautiful peaceful reunion and repair to end what needs to be stopped by authorities and a published book on what was help all victims of stalking and racial and any abuse of life in anyway. God help me to help her and her kids to do what is right in God's eyes...may she realize just how loved she is right now and forgiven...just want to begin healing for all involved...Satan and some others made her and her babies criminals and I am asking for prayers for Jesus and Mary to save them and us all from the pain...peace and love of JC be with you all. Mary give her a pure heart and mind to pray for peace...and understanding for what I have been through and how anyone should stop it. Legally. I don't want too but what would they do if it was done unto them or anyone else. Give her a good heart and health report from her doctors please. ..Praying for her to get healthy for her family and I her sister and friend even if she has not wanted to be mine. Love hurts but the truest is eternal and wishes good things. Pray for my angels and their work too. Thank you for all your help along with the Holy Spirit. Hug my girls today as a sign of peace love and tearful understanding of what was done to this sister a fellow human who truly loved them...paz!

Teresa Thursday, May 28, 2015
Jesus thank you for another day thank you for keeping me sin free and for bringing me closer to you.Forgive me father of all my sins.Please please bless me Lord with enough money to cover my legal troubles and enough to care for family friends and churches. In your son's precious name I pray. Amen

Diana Thursday, May 28, 2015
Please pray for my children. We are soon to adopt but the appeal was reversed for termination of parental rights of birth mom. My children have suffered trauma beyond belief and need to be safe and loved by my husband and I. Please pray for the judge to find a way to keep our children with us. And that we may adopt all three children. Peace be with you.

kathy Thursday, May 28, 2015
thank YOU dear JESUS for all our blessings, praise to JESUS, praise to GOD thank YOU dear GOD for my sons, dear GOD dear JESUS dear HOLY SPIRIT please bless my son jessy with a job, LORD hear my prayer.

Moira Thursday, May 28, 2015
Dear Lord, I humbly present myself before you, Lord, in total despair and anguish. I openly admit that I CANNOT continue without you, please take over my life! Ive lost everything...I am broken, mentally and spiritually. I have had my fair share of lows and losses in my life but this is now to too much to bear, please break this cycle over my life. (I feel like JOB of the bible)Please Lord donot allow this cycle to carry over to my child, her life has just started and its filled with unexplained evilness. She has been having the worst experiences at work, which are character crippling but with my encouragment and prayer I beg her to hang on in these difficult times of employment. It pains me to see my child being mistreated and so unhappy at work Lord, please open new doors for her if the situation cannot be changed for the better. I am desperate for your DIVINE intervention in my life too Lord, I feel LOST and weak, NO idea of how or where to start picking up pieces to salvage my life. Please Father God, hear my plea for help. Lovingly, your Hoplessly lost child. AMEN


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