Monday, July 13, 2015




Devil statue to be unveiled in Detroit

Click: Send Your Instant PETITION



Dear Catholic Online Reader,


     They are trying to get us used to the Devil. 


      According to press reports and the ticket sales page of The Satanic Temple's web site, Bert's Warehouse Theatre will host...


      "a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery at The Unveiling, a hedonistic celebration"


      The "Unveiling" part is a large statue of Baphomet, a Devil with two small children next to it. 


      Why would Bert's sponsor such an event?


      "...introducing the controversial Baphomet monument accompanied by provocative performances and installations."




      This is no "monument" and Satanism is evil. They hate God and all things of God. It's hard to believe Bert's would sponsor such a thing.


      Truly a night of public devil worshipping will be unleashed on American soil. 


      Bert's has sadly rented its venue to the devil.


     We must fight back...


     Please join me in asking Bert's not to allow such an outrage to God and Country in their business establishment.


     In an effort to head this off before it happens, your respectful protest message will be sent to:

  • the manager of the display venue, Mr. Miller London of Bert's
  • Detroit's city council President, Ms. Brenda Jones; 

Remind the good people of Detroit...


      At Fatima, Our Lady showed the three little shepherds Hell, "where the souls of poor sinners go."


      Hell is the terrible abode of Satan. He wants to be worshipped by God's creature, human beings. 


      Hell is where Satan wants to take us all, and the Satanic Temple is working hard to get us Americans used to the devil.   

      The Satanic Temple claims on its web site's ticket page that this evil public unveiling of their demon statue is...

  • " unparalleled artistic triumph..."
  • "Weighing one ton and towering at nearly nine feet tall,..."
  • "Come dance with the Devil and experience history in the making."
  • "The event will serve as a call-to-arms from which we'll kick off our largest fight to date..."
  • VIP ticket holders will have an exclusive opportunity to be photographed with the Baphomet monument, receive a limited edition event poster, official TST merchandise and an opportunity to meet and greet with TST Executive Ministry. 

Can you believe it?


      The demon statue itself is a 9-foot tall resemblance of the devil Baphomet, BUT the Satanic exhibition of it at Bert's includes life-size statues of a young boy and girl at his side staring up at him with fascination.


      Just like we see children next to Jesus! "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt. 19:14. 

It is outrageous! 


     According to another press report, the statue was purposely designed to "have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages [especially children it seems] may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation." (, 1/6/2014)




     If the American public, and Detroit residents allow such an outrage to God, can we expect His blessings?


     Remember, our effort is to head this off before it happens, and your respectful protest message will be sent to:

  • the manager of the display venue, Mr. Miller London of Bert's
  • Detroit's city council President, Ms. Brenda Jones; 

Remind the good people of Detroit...
Do Not Let Detroit Be Where Satan's Statue Debuts In America. 


     We were able to stop the Black Mass at Harvard last year in 2014.


     With your participation, prayers, and sacrifices - and Our Lady's smile - let's stop this abominable unveiling.


     So please let me ask you: 

  • Is Satanism an American value?
  • And will you sit quietly while DEVIL WORSHIPPERS mainstream Satanism into America?

      Dear reader, we must oppose what the Satanic Temple is trying to pull off in Detroit. 


So I urge you -     Click and sign this petition


     Another press report states that "The design includes two important Satanist symbols: the pentacle, located above Satan's head, and the goat-headed Baphomet, a symbol of idolatry." (, 1/7/2014).


     And are you going to allow DEVIL WORSHIPPERS to erect a satanic demon statue anywhere in America? 




Our Christian identity as a Nation!


     And on a higher level, Satan is not seeking equality with God, but rather Satan wants to be openly worshipped by God's rational creation.


     But since you are a person with a deep faith in God and the Virgin Mary, I want you to have an opportunity to say: "God ALWAYS! Satan NEVER!"



I remain, your friend,

In Jesus and Mary,


Robert E. Ritchie


Robert E. Ritchie
America Needs Fatima


And remember, after protesting this, please do all you can to SHARE this protest. "God ALWAYS! Satan NEVER!"



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