Thursday, July 23, 2015

Light up the Darkness for Mothers and Children in Need

Save a Life with Catholic Medical Mission Board
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Light up the Darkness for Mothers and Children in Need with Catholic Medical Mission Board

"For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ." - Corinthians 4:6

It was another oppressively hot Friday night at the health center in Ezo, South Sudan. Dr. Rachael Consoli, a physician with CMMB's Safe Motherhood Program, received word that a CMMB rickshaw ambulance was rushing a woman, who had complications during delivery, to the health center.

The woman had given birth safely at home earlier in the evening, but her placenta was stuck and needed to be removed surgically. The woman's condition deteriorated during the long ride to the health center.  What was a routine surgical procedure quickly became life-threatening. Dr. Consoli and her team of Ugandan midwives had to work quickly. They started to operate.

And that's when the lights went out.

Click here to find out how $1 can light up the darkness.


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