Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Natasha Williams Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Please keep me in prayer, a couple ppl who I knew in was friends with have went in tried to undo and sever my friendships and relationships for nothing I done nothing to to these individuals but attacked me and have been picking on mw for years, please ask God to stop them and repair and restore , I've done nothing to then or whatever reason they are trying to cover up or do

lisa Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for all of the many blessings you have given and continue to give me each day. I am truly grateful for all of them, big and small. Please hear and answer the prayers of all on this site who cry out to you for your Divine Mercy. Please, ease the heavy burden upon my soul, hear and answer the prayers within my heart, especially regarding my daughter. I feel so very sad and depressed and am trying to let myself just trust that you will make this better. Please bless any and all that may pray for me during this trying time. Please assist me with my current financial situation, and please, let me do well on my final exams. I humbly ask all of this in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Esmeralda Wednesday, April 29, 2015
i need a prayer for my health and well being and my son

Natasha Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Please keep mw in prayer, a someone stole my identity, and is trying to reign in my stead, stole all my things and us living as in my birthright , please make them stop,also dealing with jezebel and Ahab spirits they come every year and strip burn me beat me, dig my sins up double team me, want all my friends, stalk me threatened me, bully me , and blame me, monopolized, also couple of men wrestling my soul out off whatever it is they are in too I've have not been in a relationship with anybody in years but are being fought

MerryAnn Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Please pray for depressed Father Luis. He has been trying to get access to his money in Malaysia but he has not been able do that. Anyway, he took off for somewhere and no one has any idea where he has done now. Pray for his safety and well-being. Hopefully, he will not hurt or harm himself in anyway. Thanks so very much . Appreciate itl

Elizabeth Wednesday, April 29, 2015
I don't know what to think... My heart is broken... My bunny Egypt is possibly dying... Last night she was doing great... She ate and drank water. I gave her the medication this morning hoping she would be better when I went over during lunch. I prayed every night for her and nothing... The vet gave her a shot that had vitamins and antibiotics... She's not moving and I'm at work and can't be there... Please please pleaseeeeeeee pray for my bunny to get up and hop again, for her to eat, for her to feel better... Lord I don't want to lose her yet her breath is escaping from her.... My heart hurts.... Please restore her health... Please....

Tom Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Please pray that my daughter is healed.

Edith Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Dear God. I come to you again with my request Oh how I am yearning for your Devine Intervention of my anguish about the manager firing me because of her hatered for me. I know you have the power to overcome all evil Please intercede on my behalf and for all those who believe in you and imploring your Devine interception with their prayer request. Please do not let the devil laugh at us by saying your God does not exist. You are the Almighty God who reign over this World and has power over it Give us the peace to rejoice and glorify in you so that every living thing on this earth will know that in you and with you nothing is impossible I pray for your urgent interception and victory over Amy Brady and all my enemies I pray all my enemies will be brought to shame as I praise and glorify your name Amen Please God I pray for all who has asked for my prayers the sick the dying the children the priests nuns brothers bishops pope clergy and all your holy churches I pray for peace where there is war and disaster I pray for all Christians and non Christians the blind the lonely the deaf the speechless heads of states I pray for this world and Implore your mercies on the wicked people that are encircling round this earth with their wicked devices Amen

Yayan Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Would you be so kind to pray for my twin son, Ross, for complete healing of his eczema; and he eats healthy and normally to strengthen his immune system. Thank you. Amen.

Tom Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Thank you Dear Lord. For the gift of anew day,new starts to do better and leave yesterday in the past. Prayers for the sale of our small business soon. Prayers for a good career path for our son and. Success. On his final exams this week. Prayers for our son for a safe and trouble freejourney next weekly visit us. Prayers for a dear friend who has had an infection for over a year since a hip replacement . Prayers and thank you for my new part time job that starts this week and may it be one I like and that it's iron well with my home life. Prayers for a friend dealing with a grandchild custody issue and prayer for both their safety and a good resolution. Continued peace in Baltimore. We ask you these in Jesus name and Lord let your will be done ,Amen,

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