Thursday, April 30, 2015

Help Us Send Emergency Aid to Nepal Earthquake Victims


Thousands Awaiting Rescue after Magnitude-7.8 Quake

Click here to make a gift now to help Nepal Earthquake victims.
As the death toll from the Nepal Earthquake climbs above 4,000, the total extent of the devastation remains uncertain. Mudslides, aftershocks and rough terrain have slowed rescue workers' attempts to reach remote mountain villages where unknown numbers of survivors are still waiting for food, water, medical care and safe shelter.

In response to this urgent need, we have secured Emergency Health Kits that are ready for expedited airlift into Nepal. Now we just need the funds to get the live-saving supplies there! Your timely support and prayers are crucial as our staff continues to monitor the unfolding crisis. Make a gift now to send aid to the Nepal.


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