Monday, April 20, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Cassandra Monday, April 20, 2015
Dear Lord, once again I place Your Precious Blood on my lips and my thoughts that this prayer may reach the Father's altar cleansed and purified. I ask the Blessed Mother to intercede on my behalf that my prayers may carry her power and, thus, be granted. I ask that you continue to transform my son's heart, Lord, He is angry, depressed, and hopeless. He has lost his trust and hope in You, Lord. Help him restore it back into his heart. Be in his studies, his perseverance, his self-discipline, his life choices, his abundance, and his pursuit of happiness. Lift him up to You. Blessed Mother wrap him in your mantle that he may be protected from all evil. Lord, make this pray Your own that when it reaches the throne of Our Father, He may see it as Your prayer and send it back restored, and grant it by His love for You. My God, my Lord, and Savior, be with us now and always. Bless my sisters and their families. Bless my friends and their families. All those who have asked me to pray for them, please hear them through this prayer. Bless our Nation, Lord. Restore it's greatness, in Your Precious and Holy Name. And send this prayer up to the Heavens with the breath of Your Name in its whisper. Thank You, Lord, for I know you always answer prayers. Thank You for answering this one. Amen!

Teresa Monday, April 20, 2015
Lord Jesus thank you for another day and for forgiveness of all my sins.Please father I beg of you to allow my heart surgery on the 22nd to be successful with no complications or death.Please guide the doctors nurses and anesthesiologist please help them to fix my heart first time with no complications.Please protect all my children and grandchildren from any harm and keep them all safe while I'm away.In your sons precious name I pray. Amen

Philip Monday, April 20, 2015
Heavenly Father / LORD JESUS, Thank you for your blessing & grace we received for our family. I beg you to resurrect Melissa left eye to 20/20 vision and make the eye disease and inflammation of the optic nerve go away permanently. Jesus said, "I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (John 14:13, 14). I come to you Heavenly Father today and I have confidence in Your Word, and I take hold of Your promises to completely heal my daughter Melissa Ang. Please forgive all her sins and remove all obstacles that is preventing her from healing. FATHER GOD / JESUS, you are the miracle healer & physician. I believe whatever treatment medication, injection & laser on the eye you have directed the doctor is to resurrect Melissa's left eye 20/20 vision permanently and making the eye disease go away. We put our trust and faith with JESUS that Dr Sharel C Ongchin and Russell Van Gelder are doctors that GOD has directed them to diagnose and treat her. We praise GOD and have faith that Melissa's left eye will be completely healed. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen!

Sidhartha Monday, April 20, 2015
On 4th April 2015 I appearwd for JEE MAINS 2015 EXAMINATION.If I secure a rank within top 150000 candidates then I will be eligible for JEE ADVANCED 2015 EXAMINATION.Please GOD forgive me for all my sinful deeds and bless me so that I achieve sucess in JEE MAINS 2015 and qualify in it.Give me a chance to rectify my mistakes.Please GOD if you wont give me a chance then whom should I beg from.I promise I wont let The chance go in vain,and I will definitely achieve sucess in JEE ADVANCED 2015.Please hae mercy on your child.Please GOD,please.It is a matter of my parents dream,please give me a chance to fulfil it.Thank You.

Cristina Monday, April 20, 2015
God thank you for the many blessings that you have blessed my family with, I ask that you please help my baby girl with her stuttering problem that just started. She was doing so well Lord. I ask that you take care of her health and help her with the problem that she is having. Please Lord. In Jesus name. Thank you for everything. Amen

Miguel and Mary Ann Monday, April 20, 2015
We pray Dear Lord for the poor, the unborn, the lame, the blind, the lonely, the elderly, for all who suffer . Amen

Michele Monday, April 20, 2015
Please pray for Zachary Grider who was in a serious accident and has a broken back and shattered vertebrates and is in serious condition.

jesse Monday, April 20, 2015
feeling guilty and sad of my entire life...errors i've made..i ask for peace and understanding and love. i feel lonely and depressed due to illness and family struggles.

Trudy Monday, April 20, 2015
Dear Lord, I offer this prayer for me and my family. Please heal the relationship between Christopher and I. Please take away all my hurt and touch Christopher's heart. Please help him to become a better husband and father and give up all his vices forever. Help us to always make each other top priority and fill our hearts with complete love for each other. I also pray that my daughter Jordanne find her way so that she can excel in school and reach her full potential. I also ask the Lord to bless my other daughter Peyton. Have mercy on my family Lord. And thank you for all my blessing thus far. I Love You Jesus. Amen

Ricardo & carmen Monday, April 20, 2015
Dear God Almighty Father, Please help Mrs. Fernanda Cruz of Fairfield, CT during heart surgery today. Please guide the doctor's hands to make her heart stronger with no complications. Thank you for your blessing & grace we receive for our families.

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