Monday, April 20, 2015

Give the gift of life this Mother's Day

Save a Life this Mother's Day with Catholic Medical Mission Board
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Celebrate Mother's Day by supporting mothers around the world!

Order a Mother's Day card now and Catholic Medical Mission Board will send your chosen recipient a Mother's Day card with your personal message and put your donation to work helping women and children in some of the world's poorest communities.

CMMB is a faith-based international NGO focused on saving the lives of women and children. CMMB works at both the local and clinical levels in targeted communities to strengthen health services and address the leading, preventable causes of maternal and child death.

Ezo County in South Sudan has some of the world's highest rates of maternal death, often as a result of infections that are easily prevented by the use of sterile materials during delivery. Safe Delivery Kits are efficient and cost-effective tools that cut infection rates in half and save lives.

For just $20, you could provide a birth attendant or maternity clinic in South Sudan with a Mother's Day Safe Delivery Kit designed to protect mothers and newborns from dangerous infections.

Order Your Card Now!
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