Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

irma Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Lord, I am afraid.. I did a bad mistake while doing my paper assignment.. I did not put citation and therefore I got academic integrity notice from my university. Within a month, they will call me.. Im afraid Lord that im going to fail the class. Im afraid Lord that friends will mock me.. Im afraid Lord that it will go to my academic record.. I feel sad and horrified.. I only need 4 more months for graduating and Im afraid it will be bad.. Please Lord, accompany me.. Dont leave me alone, and forgive me for what I did. I also want to pray for my Professor, I hope he forgive me, and for people who will meet me later, I hope they can forgive me too. Im afraid Lord.. Please pray for me.. I know its a stupid mistake, and most of you have much more important case than me.. but this is my life, I want to make my parents proud and I dont want to give them trouble.. Please please pray for me..

Vane Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Heavenly Father, Thank you very much for hearing my prayers and sending me helps. I know that You have signaled my partner about how I felt and show concern to me yesterday evening. I pray that his concern and love will last long and grow by day. Lord he know so much about You but something has keep him apart from You. Please break the barrier and make him Your instrument to lead this family with loves and bring us closer to you. Dear Jesus, I have also received a call arranged for interview on tomorrow this noon time after many application that I have sent out. Please help me to get the job if it is the right position and right environment that you want me to temporary work with while You are arranging for a permanent job that could secure my stay in this country soon. I believe nothing is impossible for You, my Lord, I pray to hear good news for my job application as software test Engineer from acquire or any IT company that offer me a chance to start up a new career and hope to continue my stay here legally. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

genowefa Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dear Merciful ,Omnipotent God , Our Father,please help me in my difficult financial situation , if this is your will please help me sell my house , Help me Lord, as I am in emotional distress. Lord hear our prayer

Tuan Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Please pray for that Jenny and I reconcile our relationship, and if it is God's will, please place us under the same roof in harmony and happiness till death do us part. If it is not God's will that we were meant to be together, May God bring us happiness with the right persons that love and fear God, and love and respect for each other.

Genowefa Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Merciful, omnipotent God Our Father, ,if this is your will please help me sell my house,I am in difficult financial situation, Lord hear my prayer, I am begging you, amen

Courtney Wednesday, March 13, 2013
My daughter works with a girl who is pregnant with an ex-boyfriend's child. She is planning on having an abortion. Please pray that she will choose life and not have an abortion. Also pray that the Holy Spirit gives my daughter or me the words to lead her away from this decision.

Frances Wednesday, March 13, 2013
***St Jude-GOD You know what is in my heart, my mind please help me. Give me peace, give me comfort, give me hope. I faithfully pray and also ask to please take care of my job. Allow me to always do good job and continue to support my family. Please let me get on hired to the County. Please help me find a safe-economical place to move to. Please take care of my/our heath. I place myself in your hands, please guide me. :::::::::: *MIRACULOUS PRAYER: Hail Mary mother of the Son of God. I pray to you for your help in my hour of need. Holy Mother, help me deliver my request to the Lord Jesus Christ (request) and send the Holy Spirit to help me make this wish a miracle. Forgive my sin and allow me to walk proudly as God's servant. I accept Jesus Christ as my savior and teacher to guide me towards the righteous way of life. Thank you and praise the LORD GOD Amen :::::*Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked you for many favours. This time I ask this special one (request). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your prayer, not mine, Amen :::::::::: GOD I fully trust you & you never fail me. Thank you for all you have given me/us. Thank you GOD for our new Pope Francis 1.. ... Amen

anon Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Jesus, I thank you for your countless blessings and for constantly keeping an eye on me and my family. I seek your constant intervention in my life, guidance, enlightenment and direction to handle my job, my tenancy business, my personal and emotional relationships. Protect me from evil within myself and from outside. Protect me from expectations, desires beyond your will and approval. Make things happen for me if my desire meets your approval. Fill me with love and joy so I can be a blessing to all my loved ones. Fill me with wisdom, knowledge and maturity so I can do well in all my assignments, handle my work and personal relationships effectively and be an asset to my employer. Help my lease at Flordia go through if you think it is good for me

CF Wednesday, March 13, 2013
God's blessings on our new Pope Francis I!!! Thanks be to God for the Cardinals choosing him. Thank you, Holy Spirit!! Thank you!!

eutropia Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dear Lord pls help us in our finances... that we can pay the due bills,, Bless us with good health body soul and spirits..protect us from any danger jelousy.. hatred and temptations and save u from any harm and evil...Lord pls heal my daughers illness.. of her ches.. her eyes. and her stomach bothering her, I ask ur help for my husband, kidnedy,, problems..pls help us,, at work that our boss,, appreciate us,, i know you know how we work,, we dont have to prove it to them because u know were are a good workers...hope e get a raise. i ask ur help for my families back home Lord pls watch over them always,,


Fantasias Irma / Irma Beads

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