Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Garrett Thursday, February 19, 2015
Please pray for the healing of my head. I sustained a terrible concussion several months ago and am making no improvements. I am depressed, and just do not feel like I am myself anymore. I am losing hope that I will ever heal and really just need help right now.

Ritu Chaudhary Thursday, February 19, 2015
Please pray for me and my friend Sangh Ratan , as both of us are looking for our marriage. Both of us are looking a suitable job as we are facing financial crisis. May the Lord provide us financial resources and job for us. Pray for our admission and exam in CTET as we are looking to God for the same, to qualifying of this exam will help us to be a teacher in any school. Pray for our ministry GOOD SHEPHERD FOUNDATION its financial needs. There is one company which is not refunding our money, please pray that God change their heart for refunding our money which will utilize for church work. Pray for my close friend Mrs. Carrie and her family as they are facing many troubles, may the Lord bless them financially to survive their lives happily as well as they can support God's work. Please pray for my father and brother's spiritual life as they are away from the Lord and God help them to bring closer.

ann Thursday, February 19, 2015
for liza who is very stressed in mexico pray for a sound mind a job and her child to do well in school

Marc Thursday, February 19, 2015
For Marc Hakimdin, that he stop being proud and arrogant and that he have the greatest humility.

arn Thursday, February 19, 2015
oh lord plz make these transactions safe n secure i beg u oh lord

arn Thursday, February 19, 2015
oh lord plz take care of everything i beg u oh lord plz take care of everything i beg u ohlord plz mAke this transaction safe plz see dat we ger relaxation i beg u oh lord

mary Thursday, February 19, 2015
Dear Friends in Christ; please continue to pray with me that my son my attain the marks he needs in order to be readmitted to university for September. St Jude my son suffers from extreme shyness and is also introverted and this being his first year away from home he truly struggled through first semester virtually giving up on his studies, staying alone in his room most of the time, as a result he failed two of his courses - after long talks and constant reassurance from myself and his father, he seems to be finding his way back and he is definitely trying harder now but he is still struggling - please help him find the strength and the confidence he needs to be successful for if he isn\'t i feel that i will lose him - Dear St Jude, please grant us this miracle - in the name of Our Lord- amen

Jessica Thursday, February 19, 2015
Pray for healing for my Mamèré. That God bless her and touch with his healing hands that she be made healthy and well, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary.

Dang Thursday, February 19, 2015
Dear Lord, Plese help My Father he is in The Hospital right now we don\'t know yet if he has Heart Attack He has Heart Problem last Year Please Please Help him Your will be done Lord. And also Please help us our Financial Problem paying our Dept.and my Two Brothers please help them stay away from all vices. Thank you Lord for all the blessings. Dang

Jeff Thursday, February 19, 2015
Heavenly Father,thank you so much for getting my son into this special school program please continue to bless him Father in jesus name amen.


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