Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

sheila Sunday, February 9, 2014
Please pray for all our family and friends and all they need and ask of you please help them with all they need pray for paetyn so she has a good birthday and she gets potty trained and all needs pray for addie help her with school and all her needs with her bedwetting and all she asks of you please help vi with her bb her school and all needs pray for john help him with school and with his acne please help it clear up and go away please be with him and all his needs pray for chelsea and chris so they will get the house soon and all needs she has with her job pray for chris to get the job with the city and help him with all needs pray for tracy help her and chris with all they need and ask with moving and their jobs and all they ask pray for hollie and travis help them with all they need and ask help hollie find a better job and help travis find a better job and all their needs help jerry find a part time job somewhere and help me find a part time job also and allwe need please help us all finacially and all we need and ask pray for the sick help them heal them comfort them help linda find relief and luke laura kenny betty sister and all who are ill and need help pray for all who have died mom dad linda sonia jeanette diane gladys and all pray for all who grieve especially retha be with her and all pray for help with work so all my paper work is ok and all needs please help us all Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all our trust in you Love you thank you

Nina Sunday, February 9, 2014
Please help my health improve and give me the guidance I may need. Please let everything go as planned tomorrow. I ask for help and guidance as I work to accomplish everything. Please help my sister find peace.

christina malar Sunday, February 9, 2014
My youngest daughter who is in a boarding sc is taking part in a debate for the first time. She is very nervous and scared. Pls pray that god grant her the wisdom and the knowledge to speak fluently. I pray that her team would be able to win this competition. The 2nd prayer is i want to pray for my new head of department who is a non believer. I pray that he would be open towards discussion and not a racist. He seems unfriendly and its as if we are unable to read his mind. Pray that i wld be able to have a good relationship wth him.

brian Sunday, February 9, 2014
Dear in inperate need of financial help to pay the get my license and to buy a car .I also pray for a good and steady job.for the love of a beautiful woman.a family...good good health.for protection from enemies.for the welfare of my parents neighbors...natash and her family...and the defeat of satan in my ilife.and for good health and kindnessiin my life as Baswell as respect from others...I love u and need u lord amen

Norma Sunday, February 9, 2014
Pray for me, I am with someone who does not appreciate me. He tells me he loves me, but does not a relationship. I love him, but I am tired of being left alone. I want a man who loves me and wants to settle down. I think he only hangs onto me because he knows I can help him financially. I need for him to pay me back all the money he owes me. Pray I can find a job with benefits, insurance and good pay. I am at a job where I have to do my job and the office managers job. I only get paid to do one job. Pray my son can find someone who will love him.

Jack Sunday, February 9, 2014
Thank you God for answering my prayers and Saints for interceding. Thank you readers who prayed for me. I humbly ask all of your help again. Pray for the health and safety of all of my family members and friends. I ask for prayers for their physical, mental and spiritual health. Please pray for my siblings and I to have academic success, and pray for an end to sin. Please also pray the world and myself get closer to God! Thank you all! God bless!

swarnasri Sunday, February 9, 2014
holy mother mary, lord jesus, dear god, angels and saints, please answer my latest prayer instantly.Thank you very much.

Deborah Sunday, February 9, 2014
I ask that my daughter'in'law , Lea, who is having a rough pregnancy be healed thru the blood of Our Lord and will carry this baby full term and he be healthy. I pray for her peace of mind because she is broken hearted and in addiditon her husband is a Marine who deploys in a couple of weeks, Please let both of them experience the miracle of everything being well with the baby, In Jesus ,s heart I place my plea. thank you

Julie Sunday, February 9, 2014
Pls pray for protection of myself and my family. Thankyou I appreciate it ..

Rachel Sunday, February 9, 2014
My husband Sanjiv Sunam has leukaemia and has only been given months to live. He is only 37 and we have a little baby. We desperately need a miracle. Please pray for him. Thank you Rachel


Fantasias Irma / Irma Beads

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