Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

Kim Monday, July 8, 2013
Please pray that my medical tests results come back fast and everything is okay. The wait is making me severely anxious and depressed.

Estella Monday, July 8, 2013
I want to thank God for my cousin's son healing in his surgery of a brain tumor. God is so good to us. With out His love & the loving intercession of our Blessed Mother we are nothing. Praise & Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for His great love & mercy

Terence A.J. Monday, July 8, 2013
O God Abba, please here my prayer. All this I ask with humble heart in the name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen

Terence A.J. Monday, July 8, 2013
O God, I beg You and through Thy mercy, please help me to get the money to pay all our debts and for our pressing needs. Please also bless me so that I will be selected as a purchasing office in the company. All this I pray and ask with humble in the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ and through the Immaculate Heart Of Marry. Amen.

elizabeth Monday, July 8, 2013
Please pray for my Son Andrew Resio He is a good man with a lot of potential. He needs to find a job and a direction for his life He needs self confidence and self worth. Please help us help him. Thnk

Jean Monday, July 8, 2013
My cousin Rosanna just called me on the way home from her eye doctor. She needs PRAYERS. She saw flashing in her right eye this morning (up to a few weeks ago everything seemed to be doing well). The doctor said that the pressure in her eye is extremely low, that she needs to have the cataract removed ASAP so that he can see what is going on in the eye - they will not put a lens in. She will also need to have the oil put back in her eye and it will need to stay in for 6 months. If the pressure cannot be increased, she said that she might lose her eye. The surgery will probably be done on Wednesday - no later than Thursday - she will find out tomorrow, because the scheduler had already left for the day.

sonia Monday, July 8, 2013
My God help Nicole with her depression and help Rod with his sick dog, make them find the way to God please, help then with all the problems of life.

d Monday, July 8, 2013
Lord, if You wish......You can make Gabriel clean. I BELIEVE in You and know only You can give him life. PLEASE stretch out Your healing hand and heal Gabriel of his addictions. I beg You, PLEASE guide him to make good decisions in all situations especially at his new job and to stay away from anyone making bad decisions.

Joseph Monday, July 8, 2013
Jesus, my father is depressed. Please come to him. Please heal him. Please fill him with love. Thank you.

Ron Monday, July 8, 2013
Im 30 yrs old with nothing,no home,no car, no job & plus Im a boxer still unknown,no kids,no wife. sorry for complaining but Im starting to lose my faith also. My family thinks Im a loser except my mom but I kno I let her down. Please pray that I get myself together. that I become self-sufficient. that I find the right boxing team because if given the chance I will fight hard for my life to protect it. I want to make myself proud & also my family. I pray & talk to God everyday but I am being ignored. I kno other people have it worst & I pray for them & please pray for all the people in poverty & the homeless. I dont like being homeless I want to stand on my own two feet. I am not lazy Im a boxer. I dont want to be a loser Im a winner I keep telling myself & I want to pray for my mom who is getting old & isnt happy. my dad left her & my brother sisters & arent close. please pray I make it & make my mom proud of me before its her time. and last pray that I find my queen coz I want to have a family but being broke is no good! have mercy on me! God bless yall I love yall!


Fantasias Irma / Irma Beads

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