Hello, Wisdom,
Does God Dwell in Me?
In her second video message and blog, author, mother, and missionary Colleen Mitchell explores what it means to have God dwell within us. How is that presence expressed in the way we live our lives?
There is much we can glean from our mother, Mary. In our search for our true selves, she shows us how to open ourselves up and share our deepest wounds with God. We find healing and freedom in the process. Click the image below to learn more.
Let Us Pray
Dear Lord: Make me a woman who has faith like Mary's, a faith that notices you are missing above the noise and bustle of the world around me. Let me be unafraid to clear the air when our intimacy is at stake and to know that my God became a boy who could teach the teachers, and then a man who saves the sinners. Amen.
Who Does He Say You Are?
Colleen found healing in the Gospel stories of women who met Jesus. These women had an honest encounter with Christ; they were transformed and healed in their lives. In Who Does He Say You Are? Women Transformed by Christ in the Gospels, Colleen shares the way these women's stories spoke to her experience and how they can bring you transformation as well.
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