Monday, April 27, 2015

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for Us: Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Philippians 4:6

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters. Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

og Monday, April 27, 2015
Please pray that god will lead me to the right soul mate and to please pray for my mother's health thank you all for praying for me who took the time to do it. God bless

Kat Monday, April 27, 2015
I need financial help to get my daughter in to our Catholic churches school. So if you all could pray for us to be able to find the finances to put her in we appreciate it

Maria Monday, April 27, 2015
I pray that I will be relieved from anxiety and worries. Pls guard my health as well as my family. Pls guide me to make a right decision whether to go ahead for the left lump breast biopsy. Also please help my son Karl in his projects and thesis so he can graduate this year. thank you and Godbless!!!

Cecilia Monday, April 27, 2015
My sisters two sons, aged 19 and 29, were both shot and killed Saturday night. Please pray for their souls and for my sister, and our family.

Al Monday, April 27, 2015
Please help my wife with her struggles in her job. She tries so hard but cannot keep up with the demands placed upon her. She works many hours beyond the work day. Please place her where she is supposed to be so that she can experience success and peace. We also need help with our financial stress. I also want to offer thanks for so many blessings I have received and ask for strength to do whatever I need to do without complaining.

Natasha Monday, April 27, 2015
Please keep me in prayer under attack, and I can't think of 1 day since around 97 after my moms death and she left me sone property, I be not been under this kinda pressure and these attacks I ni longer have the property and the attacks have not stopped, hazing's setbacks, please keep me in prayer Mon died to. At age 41 in house,

Jack Monday, April 27, 2015
Please pray for the health and safety of all of my family members and friends, and for several very special intentions of mine. Please also pray that I overcome my addiction, perform well in my classes, and for the soul of Adam Diaz, who died in a tragic car accident. I humbly implore all of you. Thank you and God bless!

judy Monday, April 27, 2015
i pray for my son s problem regarding his canteen contract that the Lord help him find a solution to his problem but i thank the Lord its only financial also help them (her wife) find a Jesus name amen

Carlos Monday, April 27, 2015
I always keep Jesus Christ first in my prayers. I am being honest about my own sin. I am ugly, I look ugly and feel ugly every time that I look in the mirror. I do not have any self-esteem and I suffer from no confidence. I do not like myself. I do not like saying "Hi" to certain people. I forgive others. I love God in spite of being ugly and feeling like I should not care about myself. I pray this week that God will show me clearly what it means to rest in the completed work of Christ.

Angie Monday, April 27, 2015
For my Granddaughter who has lost interest in her studies.

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