Thursday, April 16, 2015

Here's a great freebie to teach your kids God's role in American history

This FREE DVD helps kids understand God's role in our nation's history!

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Understanding God's Role In America's History Is So Important, I Want To Give You Our New DVD, One Nation Under God, for Free!


As we think about the many blessings God has given us, one of His greatest is the incredible nation we live in—special and different from all countries before it.

The history of America is truly God’s story! That’s why my team at Learn Our History created the new DVD, One Nation Under God. This exceptional DVD is so important that I want every family in America to own it—so I’m giving it away for FREE when you try Learn Our History!


But why would I give such a valuable film away for free? It’s simple…I believe that God and His divine influence have shaped our great nation like nothing else can—and I believe that God cannot and should not be removed from American history as so many schools across America are doing today.

A Faith-Based Story For Your Entire Family!

Your whole family is bound to love One Nation Under God. In this thrilling DVD, you’ll follow the adventures of five time–traveling history students on a quest to discover how God’s love helped create a nation built upon our God–given rights where all can be free to worship Him.

If you haven’t tried Learn Our History DVDs yet, One Nation Under God is the perfect place to start! I just ask you to cover $1 in s&h—a small price to share the story of God’s love for the United States of America with your children.

As part of this special offer, you’ll have the opportunity to receive a new Learn Our History DVD about once a month at our regular low price—It’s the perfect way for your children to learn American history from a patriotic, faith–based standpoint! Of course, since this is a FREE offer, there’s no absolutely no commitment whatsoever and you’re under no obligation to purchase anything at all!

But hurry—One Nation Under God is sure to be a big hit with parents across the country, and our supplies are limited to the earliest responders, so claim your free copy now!


Mike Huckabee


P.S.—Don’t forget. One Nation Under God is a story you will want your children to know, and I’m giving it to you for FREE when you try Learn Our History DVDs!


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