Tuesday, November 18, 2014

An Advent Message from Fr. Dan

An Advent Message from Fr. Dan

Advent is the Church's time to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. Prayer, reading Scripture and charitable giving are all recommended ways to bring ourselves, families and friends into the spirit of Advent: joyful, prayerful expectation.

St. Francis loved to celebrate Christmas and is credited with popularizing the crèche, the Christmas crib scene. He wanted his brothers to prepare for Christmas by keeping a fast from All Saints until the Christmas feast, but when it was Christmas he wanted them to "smear the walls with meat." Sure, St. Francis was using a figure of speech to gain the attention of his brothers. But his comment surely points out his profound spiritual understanding that Jesus really became one with us and shared our humanity. He knew how to celebrate!

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Peace and every blessing,                                                                       

Fr. Dan Kroger, O.F.M. Publisher, Franciscan Media             
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