Friday, June 12, 2015

A Message from Father Dan for the Feast of St. Anthony

A Message from Father Dan for the Feast of St. Anthony - June 13, 2015

On June 13 we celebrate the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, the patron of our magazine. St. Anthony, a native of Lisbon, Portugal, was ordained as an Augustinian, but was so inspired by the martyrdom of a group of Franciscan friars killed while preaching in Morocco, that he asked permission to join the Franciscans thinking that he, too, was called to be a martyr.

God had other plans for Anthony. As he sailed for North Africa in order to preach the Gospel, his voyage ended when the ship in which he travelled was hit by a storm. He was shipwrecked on the Italian peninsula. Friars there cared for the wannabe martyr until they took him with them to a Pentecost assembly of all the friars in Assisi.  Anthony was assigned to a retiro, or retreat house where he worked and prayed with his new brothers.

When the brothers discovered that Anthony was a skilled preacher and theologian, his ministry took a new turn. He was charged with teaching theology to the brothers in training and eventually he became an itinerant preacher working out of Padua. He gained a reputation as a staunch opponent of the Albigensians, a thirteenth century heretical group that denied the validity of the sacraments.

In a short time Anthony became known for his concern to the poor and his powerful preaching. Today Anthony is one of the most popular Catholic saints. Frequently people ask his help when they lose things. I do that myself. But even if I don't find what was lost, it is my experience that just praying and asking the saint's help has a positive effect. If you'd like to read further about St. Anthony I would suggest St. Anthony of Padua by Fr. Jack Wintz, OFM.

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Thank you for supporting our ministry. May God give you peace!
Peace and every blessing,

Fr. Dan Kroger, O.F.M.
Publisher, Franciscan Media

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