Monday, September 1, 2014

For Iraqi Christians the struggle is just beginning.

Stop Genocide

Dear Reader,
The struggle is just beginning for thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Catholic Christians.

Losing their homes was just the first crisis.

Crowded refugee camps
Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been herded into refugee camps so they can be housed, fed and looked after, however there's not enough resources for all of them. Food and water are scarce. Aid agencies are clamoring for help because every Christian left alive in Northern Iraq and Syria is in a camp or crowded into a city with nothing but the clothes on their backs. They need food, water and shelter. Thousands are still in jeopardy.
These 'human beings' need every bit of hope they can get. 
Disease is a killer
Even in the camps where doctors are available, medical supplies are scarce. Medicine in short supply. Overworked medical teams try to do what they can to make families comfortable. Hundreds will die for a simple lack of access to medicines. Poor sanitation and crowded conditions spreads disease to children and the elderly. 
ISIS is just one offensive away
Despite being delayed by U.S. airstrikes, the Islamic State is just one offensive away from several camps filled with Christian families. These Christians are "kafir" in their belief - worthy only of enslavement or death for having rejected Islam. The Islamic State is well equipped and armed and continues to make advances in Syria and Iraq. They will return and when they do, tens of thousands of men, women and children will need quick transportation out of harm's way. They will need to escape this 'death machine.'
What will YOU do in the face of genocide?
Will you watch or will you ACT?

Genocide is happening right before your eyes. What will YOU do about it? Will you join Your Catholic Voice Foundation (YCVF) in 'Prayer and Action' to STOP genocide? YCVF is partnering with the Chaldean Catholic Church, Catholic Relief Services and Aid to the Church in Need to provide direct relief to those families in need. Your gift will provide meals, water, medicine and possibly even the means of escape forfamilies facing near-certain death. 

Your Catholic Voice Foundation is a Not-for-Profit Corporation. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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