Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Save On Viagra-Cialis-Levitra !

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Health Online Order

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Monday, April 29, 2019

Confirm Your Order

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Cheap Meds Online

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Sunday, April 28, 2019

Confirm Your Order

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Saturday, April 27, 2019

Canadian Online Meds

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Your Order is Ready

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Friday, April 26, 2019

Confirm Your Order

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Thursday, April 25, 2019


Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



ICO 2019

Las líneas ICO 2019 ya están disponibles.

1. Empresas y emprendedores 2019

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

Hasta 12.5 millones y a 20 años.


2. Crédito comercial 2019

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa.


4. Garantía SGR / Saeca 2019

Hasta 2 millones y 15 años de plazo.

Necesario el aval de una SGR o Saeca.


Somos expertos en gestionar ICOs.

Podemos conseguir el tuyo.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

Your Order is Ready

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Save A 80% Off meds delivered discretely to your door

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



System was compromised! Read Now!

He​y The​re​,

Yo​ur syste​m was co​mpro​mise​d by us and we​ po​sse​s COMPLETE acce​ss to​ it. To​ de​mo​nstrate​ yo​u we​ are​ se​rio​us we​ e​maile​d yo​u this me​ssage​ fro​m yo​ur o​wn pe​rso​nal e​mail acco​unt, che​ck the​ "Fro​m" e​mail addre​ss, this sho​ws we​ have​ COMPLETE acce​ss to​ yo​ur de​vice​.
In this me​ssage​ we​ will te​ll yo​u e​xactly ho​w this o​ccurre​d and what yo​u have​ to​ do​ abo​ut it.

We​ are​ a te​am o​f hacke​rs and so​me​ time​ ago​ we​ hacke​d into​ an xxx (po​rn) we​b site​ that yo​u visite​d. We​ infe​cte​d this we​bsite​ with a malware​ that installe​d itse​lf to​ yo​ur syste​m whe​n yo​u e​njo​ye​d po​rno​graphy. Our virus can no​t be​ de​te​cte​d by anti-virus co​mpute​r so​ftware​ be​cause​ the​ signature​ is update​d e​ve​ry 10 minute​s.
Yo​u can alte​r yo​ur passwo​rds but it will no​t he​lp be​cause​ o​ur virus will co​nstantly ke​e​p the​ backdo​o​r to​ yo​ur syste​m o​pe​n.

Eve​ry time​ yo​u visite​d an adult we​bsite​ o​ur virus be​gan to​ capture​ yo​u "playing with yo​urse​lf" (yo​u kno​w what we​ me​an) and sto​re​d the​ vide​o​ o​n o​ur se​rve​r. We​ additio​nally save​d all the​ picture​s, file​s, so​cial me​dia acco​unts and co​ntacts and all yo​ur e​mail co​ntacts to​ o​ur se​rve​r.

Yo​u are​ asking yo​urse​lf what we​ will do​ all this info​rmatio​n and the​ nasty co​nte​nt we​ po​sse​s o​f yo​u, we​ll it is YOU who​ can make​ a cho​ice​ what we​ do​ with it.

Whe​n yo​u o​pe​ne​d this e​mail o​ur se​rve​r activate​d a time​r. Starting no​w yo​u have​ 8 (ye​s, just 8!) ho​urs to​ de​cide​ what we​ do​ with all the​ co​nte​nt we​ have​ o​f yo​u.

If yo​u pay us $750 (USD) to​ o​ur bitco​in addre​ss give​n be​lo​w we​ will re​mo​ve​ all the​ mate​rial o​n o​ur se​rve​r we​ have​ o​n yo​u, yo​u will ne​ve​r e​ve​r he​ar fro​m us again and the​ backdo​o​r will te​rminate​ itse​lf and we​ will no​ lo​nge​r have​ acce​ss to​ yo​ur de​vice​. We​ will furthe​rmo​re​ e​mail yo​u what we​bsite​ infe​cte​d yo​ur de​vice​ so​ yo​u can make​ sure​ yo​ur syste​m stays safe​.
If the​ transactio​n do​e​s no​t sho​w up in o​ur bitco​in addre​ss within 8 hrs MA​XIMUM we​ will se​nd the​ nasty co​nte​nt we​ po​sse​s o​f yo​u to​ A​LL yo​ur so​cial me​dia co​ntacts and A​LL yo​ur e​mail co​ntacts. This WILL CERTA​INLY ruin yo​ur so​cial life​ and the​ re​latio​nships with yo​ur family me​mbe​rs!

Yo​u can use​ any se​arch e​ngine​ like​ Go​o​gle​ to​ figure​ o​ut "ho​w to​ purchase​ bitco​ins", it is ve​ry e​asy, anyo​ne​ can do​ it.

This is the​ bitco​in addre​ss: (co​py/paste​ it, it is case​ se​nsitive​):




Ke​e​p in mind, yo​u have​ just 8 ho​urs to​ make​ sure​ the​ transactio​n arrive​s in o​ur bitco​in addre​ss so​ yo​u be​tte​r initiate​ the​ transactio​n right no​w if yo​u do​ no​t want yo​ur so​cial life​ and the​ re​latio​nships with yo​ur family me​mbe​rs ruine​d!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Visit World-Best Drugstore Mall

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Drugs Online

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Monday, April 22, 2019

Estudio de viabilidad (para empresas)



Iberfinancia es la empresa española líder en intermediación financiera para pymes.

Antes de empezar a trabajar con una empresa siempre hacemos un estudio de su situación y su proyecto para decidir como podemos ayudarle a conseguir sus objetivos.

Queremos que todas las empresas posibles se beneficien de estos estudios de viabilidad (por escrito, gratuitos y sin compromiso), así que me he puesto en contacto contigo para ver si te interesa.

¿Quieres que te ayudemos a conseguir los objetivos que has marcado para tu empresa?

Sigue el siguiente enlace y te llamaré en cuanto pueda.

Haz clic aquí para que te llame.

Espero que hablemos pronto.

Un saludo,


Drugs Online

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



The Canadian Rx Drugs

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Sunday, April 21, 2019

visioner.shop.wisdom@blogger.com ハッキングされています! すぐにパスワードを変更してください!


2018年6月28日 - この日、私はあなたのオペレーティングシステムをハッキングし、あなたのアカウント(visioner.shop.wisdom@blogger.com)にフルアクセスできました。



しかし、私はあなたが定期的に訪れるサイトを見ました, そしてあなたのお気に入りのリソースから大きなショックを受けました。

私は言う - あなたは大きな変態です。 無限のファンタジー!

私はあなたが楽しんでいる親密なウェブサイトのスクリーンショットを作った (私はあなたの喜びについて話しています、あなたは理解していますか?).
その後、私はあなたの喜びの写真を作った (あなたのデバイスのカメラを使って). すべてが素晴らしくなった!


私のBTCウォレット: 1DAqDrtZ1XzwKtXPMHf41WXv6QT62uttxK

どの検索エンジンでも、「btc walletにお金を送る方法」と書いてください。


私はあなたから指定された金額を受け取っていない場合、あなたのデバイスはブロックされ、あなたのすべての連絡先は、あなたの "喜び"と写真を受信します。

- 私のウイルスを見つけて破壊しようとしないでください! (すべてのデータはすでにリモートサーバーにアップロードされています) - 私に連絡しようとしないでください(これは実現可能ではありません、私はあなたのアカウントからメールを送りました)
- 様々なセキュリティサービスはあなたを助けません。 あなたのデータは既にリモートサーバー上にあるので、ディスクのフォーマットやデバイスの破壊は役に立ちません。

P.S. 私は支払い後にあなたに再び邪魔をしないことを保証します。



Canadian Online Meds

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Saturday, April 20, 2019

Save 80% On Viagra, Cialis & Levitra!

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



安全通知。 有人可以访问您的文件。




我创建了高质量的间谍软件。 它允许我获得对您设备的完全访问权限和控制权。



一键! 您在电子邮件和社交网络中的所有联系人都将收到此视频! 你的生活将永远改变!







Save 80% On Viagra, Cialis & Levitra!

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Friday, April 19, 2019

IMPORTANT! You have been recoŗded ʍasturbatıng! I have Visioner Shop Wisdom.mp4!

IMPORTANT: visioner.shop.wisdom@blogger.com

Hi there...

The last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers,
you downloaded and installed the vίruş I developed.

My program has turned on your cam and recorded the act
of your ʍasturbatıon..

My software also downloaded all your email contact lίsts
and a list of your friends on Facebook.

I have the - Visioner Shop Wisdom.mp4 - with you jerkίng
off to teens, as well as a file with all your contacts
on my computer.

You are very Ƿerverted!

If you want me to delete both files and keep the secret,
you must send me the Bitcoin payment.
I give you 72 hours only to send the funds.

If you don't know how to pay with Bitcoin,
visit Google and search - how to buy bitcoin.

Send 2,000 USD (0.381560 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address as soon as possible:

(copy and paste)

1 BTC = 5,230 USD right now, so send exactly 0.381560 BTC
to the address above.

Do not try to cheat me!
As soon as you open this Email I will know you opened it.
I am tracking all actions on your device..

This Bitcoin address is linked to you only,
so I will know when you send the correct amount.
When you pay in full, I will remove both files and deactivate
my program.

If you choose to not send the bitcoin...
I will send your ʍasturbatıon vίdeo to
contact lists that I hɑcked.

Here are the payment details again:

Send 2,000 USD (0.381560 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address:


(copy and paste)

You саn visit police but nobody can help you.
I know what I am doing.
I don't live in your country and I know how
to stay anonymous.

Don't try to deceive me - I will know it
immediately - my spy software is recoŗding all the
websites you visit and all your key presses.
If you do - I will send this ugly vίd to everyone you know,

Don't cheat me! Don't forget the shame and if you ignore
this message your life will be ruined.

I am waiting for your Bitcoin payment.
You have 72 hours left.

Anonymous Hɑcker

P.S. If you need more time to buy and send BTC,
open your notepad and write '48h more'.
This way you can contact me.
I will consider giving you another 48 hours
before I release the vίd, but only when I see that
you are really struggling to buy bitcoin.
I KNOW you can afford it - so don't play with me...

Save A 80% Off meds delivered discretely to your door

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Thursday, April 18, 2019


Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Your Order is Ready

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Online drugs and medicine at very cheap prices

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Canadian Online Pharmacy

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Save HUGE on the best medications!

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Monday, April 15, 2019

Líneas europeas: financiación con fondos FEI.

FEI, fondos europeos para pymes

Línea FEI - Iniciativa Pymes
con fondos europeos:

  • Financiación para pequeñas y medianas empresas españolas.
  • Importe máximo: 12,5 millones.
  • Al tratarse de líneas con garantía del FEI cuentan con condiciones preferentes.
Quiero saber más sobre FEI

Somos tu oportunidad de acceder a fondos europeos.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

Visit World-Best Drugstore Mall

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Save HUGE on the best medications!

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cheap Meds Online

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Save HUGE on the best medications!

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Saturday, April 13, 2019

Great RX Pharmacy

Zero Hassle to Get Vi/agra, Ci/alis, Le/vitra, and Much More!

Best Pricing in the Market.. FDA-Approved Meds..

(If url blocked copy this link to browser)



Friday, April 12, 2019

Visit World-Best Drugstore Mall

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Drugs Online

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Thursday, April 11, 2019

Save 80% On Viagra, Cialis & Levitra!

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

(Copy and Paste this Safe redirect Url into your browser)



Thίs is my final wa=?UTF-8?Q?rning=20?=visioner.shop.wisdom@=?UTF-8?Q?blogger.co?==?UTF-8?Q?m!?=

FINAL WARNING visioner.shop.wisdom@blogger.com!

You have the final chance to save your social life - I am not kidding!!

I give you the last 72 hours to make the Ƿayment before I send
the vίdeo with your ʍasturbation to all your friends and associates.

The last time you visited a erotίc website with young teens,
you downloaded and automatically installed the Şpy software
that I created.

My program has turned on your cɑmera and recorded the act
of your ʍasturbation and the vίdeo you were watching
while ʍasturbating.
My software also downloaded email contact list and a list
of your Facebook friends from your device.

I have both the - Visioner Shop Wisdom.mp4 - with your
ʍasturbation and a file with all your contacts on my hard drive.

You are very Ƿerverted!

If you want me to delete both files and keep your secret,
you must send me the Bitcoin Ƿayment.
I give you last 72 hour to transfer the funds..

If you don't know how to Ƿay with Bitcoin,
visit Google and search - how to buy bitcoin.

Send 2,000 USD (0.409548 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address immediately:

(copy and paste)

1 BTC = 5,030 USD right now, so send exactly 0.409548 BTC
to the address above.

Do not try to cheat me!
As soon as you open this Email I will know you opened it.

This Bitcoin address is linked to you only, so I will know if you
sent the correct amount.
When you Ƿay in full, I will remove both files and deactivate
my software.

If you don't send the Ƿayment, I will send your ʍasturbation vίdeo
to all your friend and associates from your contact list
that I downloaded.

Here are the Ƿayment details again:

Send 0.409548 BTC to this Bitcoin address:


(copy and paste)

You саn visit the polίce but nobody will help you.
I know what I am doing.
I don't live in your country and I know how to stay anonymous.

Don't try to deceive me - I will know immediately - my Şpysoft is recording
all the websites you visit and all keys you press.
If you do - I will send this ugly recording to everyone you know,
including your family!

Don't cheat me! Don't forget the shame and if you ignore this message
your life will be ruined.

I am waiting for your Bitcoin Ƿayment.

Anonymous Hɑcker

P.S. If you need more time to buy and send BTC,
open your noteǷad and write - 48H++ - and save.
This way you can contact me.
I will consider giving you another 48 hours before I send the vίdeo
to your contacts, but only when I see you are
really trying to buy bitcoin.

We are Anonymous. We are legion.
We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Expect us.

Canadian Online Pharmacy

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Online drugs and medicine at very cheap prices

** Our Best Top Sellers!

V|agra|Price $0.83
C|alis Price $1.69
V|agra Professional|Price $2.02
C|alis Professional|Price $2.17
V|agrar (Brand)|Price $5.42
C|alisr (Brand)|Price $5.51

Payment: VISA,MasterCard,AMex

(Copy and paste the link to your browser)



Financiación sin Cirbe

Líneas no bancarias

Financiación sin bancos ni Cirbe (y sin que te sangren con los intereses)

Se llama shadow-banking a todo tipo de entidades financieras que trabajan fuera del circuito bancario.

Son totalmente legales, por supuesto, pero no son entidades bancarias, no consumen CIRBE y tienen unos criterios de concesión más accesible.

Te pongo un ejemplo,


Uno de nuestros clientes tiene una empresa de carpintería metálica, se encargan de todo lo que sea metal en obras grandes.

Muchos de sus clientes son entidades y empresas públicas o grandes empresas. Tiene grandes encargos pero cobra tarde (por lo general) y tiene que adelantar mucho dinero.

¿Resultado? Unas tensiones de tesorería bastante graves que hacían peligrar una empresa que lleva trabajando casi dos décadas y que además estaba creciendo a buen ritmo.

Nuestra solución: actualizar su estructura financiera.

Firmaron 3 líneas con 3 de nuestros colaboradores:

- Un leaseback sobre una máquina que les dio liquidez,

- una línea de adelanto de contratos y facturas que les permitió aceptar encargos que estaban a punto de rechazar

- y un ICO inversión para comprar una máquina nueva con la que optimizaron su proceso de producción, reduciendo sus costes.


Muchas veces la solución a un problema no viene con una sola operación, sino con varias trabajando al unísono.

La clave es encontrar a quien comprenda tu problema y confíe en tu empresa y en tu proyecto.

En eso somos especialistas.

Si tú también necesitas financiación para tu empresa ponte en contacto en el enlace de abajo.

Te haremos un estudio de viabilidad por escrito y sin compromiso:

Haz clic aquí

El equipo de Iberfinancia.

Security Notice. Someone have access to your system.


I hacked your device, because I sent you this message from your account.
If you have already changed your password, my malware will be intercepts it every time.

You may not know me, and you are most likely wondering why you are receiving this email, right?
In fact, I posted a malicious program on adults (pornography) of some websites, and you know that you visited these websites to enjoy
(you know what I mean).

While you were watching video clips,
my trojan started working as a RDP (remote desktop) with a keylogger that gave me access to your screen as well as a webcam.

Immediately after this, my program gathered all your contacts from messenger, social networks, and also by e-mail.

What I've done?
I made a double screen video.
The first part shows the video you watched (you have good taste, yes ... but strange for me and other normal people),
and the second part shows the recording of your webcam.

What should you do?

Well, I think $766 (USD dollars) is a fair price for our little secret.
You will make a bitcoin payment (if you don't know, look for "how to buy bitcoins" on Google).

BTC Address: 14DvFghvkzQujf5Kd5AL2VKjxaYm5KidxR
(This is CASE sensitive, please copy and paste it)

You have 2 days (48 hours) to pay. (I have a special code, and at the moment I know that you have read this email).

If I don't get bitcoins, I will send your video to all your contacts, including family members, colleagues, etc.
However, if I am paid, I will immediately destroy the video, and my trojan will be destruct someself.

If you want to get proof, answer "Yes!" and resend this letter to youself.
And I will definitely send your video to your any 19 contacts.

This is a non-negotiable offer, so please do not waste my personal and other people's time by replying to this email.


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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Confirm Your Order

Note our new offers and save HUGE on the best medications!

V|gara- $0.84
Pink V|agra- $1.90
C|lais- $1.84
Female V|gara- $1.95
Family Pack- $2.34
Professional Pack- $3.63

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Your account has been hacked! You need to unlock.


As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.

I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $751 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").

My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 14tfS3yWL2cABhXVJZ97XRhuDXC69aWH6Y

After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.

If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.

Best regards!

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Monday, April 8, 2019

ICO: fondos públicos, entidades privadas

Fondos públicos, entidades privadas

Las líneas de financiación para empresas del ICO son una constante cuando hablamos de las mejores vías que tienen las Pymes para conseguir financiación.

Sin embargo, su funcionamiento (a medio camino entre la gestión pública y la privada) confunde a muchos. Pero eso no quiere decir que sea mejor o peor, solo diferente.

Para el que no lo sepa: las líneas ICO para pymes son líneas de financiación con fondos públicos pero que gestionan algunos bancos.

¿Lo malo? Tener a los bancos como intermediarios, con todo lo que eso supone: gestiones, análisis de riesgos, etc.

¿Lo bueno? Tener a los bancos como intermediarios. Sí, es raro... pero tiene sentido.

El ICO establece las características y las condiciones de sus líneas, pero son los bancos los que aceptan o deniegan operaciones según sus criterios de riesgo internos.


Pues que no estás limitado a un solo criterio de concesión, sino que puedes intentarlo en todos los bancos que han firmado como intermediarios de las líneas ICO en 2019.

Por lo tanto, misma línea y mismos fondos pero muchas más probabilidades de éxito.

Si quieres que te ayudemos a disparar tus posibilidades de conseguir un ICO:

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

Un saludo,
